John Gylleck

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since Jul 19, 2012
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Recent posts by John Gylleck

Welcome Yuri. I have moved to a new area. I did not anticipate how different the Poconos would be from Illinois. Thin topsoil and boulders. A lot to learn on how to build soil here.
4 years ago
avocado stones germinate in my worm compost. then die. then seem to be eaten.
9 years ago
I just built the biggest pile I have ever made.4x4x8'. I had an abundance of weeds. It was weeds of a sand filter bed for our waste water treatment plant. very lush quickweed, nettles, puslane and some other weeds I don't want to spread to the tree nursery I plan to use this on. I check it today and there is some heat.there but not enough moisture I think. Will probably water it again when I turn it on day 4. So just used the lush green weeds as the nitrogen source. the brown was last falls oak leaves and wood chips from tree trimming late winter. I did not have manure to spark the heat. will it have the power to kill the weed seeds? planning to use the tractor to turn it and watering more.
9 years ago
From the Midwest. My gardening has always been viewed as different. Read Ruth stout as a child. My copy of Last Straw is the first printing in English. So taking a pdc has been on my bucketlist for a while who would have thought it would be Geoff s course. I am caretaker of a youth camp. This is the beginning of getting ready for the camp season, So not the time to be doing anything but camp work. But if not now when? I hardly ever take time off much less the time to do a pdc. I am convinced this will help here at the camp now and where ever I end up after this season off life.
I am familar with Anna Edeys solviva which was a greenhouse that she had with her market garden. She had thermal mass rabits chickens and conservation tech to keep a greenhouse producing year round. Is this also similar? I have also (this may be dating me) seen the New Alchemist works of John Tod. Thou he is still active in. Similarities or influenced by these ?
11 years ago