Alexandra Budz

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since Jul 24, 2012
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Recent posts by Alexandra Budz

Hi Judith,

I read your post and it sounds like a great opportunity, I have recently completed a farm in south carolina I was involved in gardening and taking care of all natural, cage free and free range chickens. I would love to know more about our land and what your homestead/ farm includes.

Thank you in advance for your time,

12 years ago
Hi my name is Ally Budz, I am a recent graduate of Sainmt Anselm College, in Manchester, New Hampshire. I am currently interning on a small farm in South Carolina. I would love to continue to gain farming and other related experience, if you have any opportunities could you please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Hi, I am currently interning on a small farm in South Carolina, and would love to to have an opportunity to gain more knowledge and experince, if you have an opportunities open could you let me know.

Thank you in advance foir your time
Hi Im am currently doing a intership on a farm in South Carolina, USA, I would love to continue gaining experience and knowledge about organic and permicultural farming. If you have any opporunities please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Hi my name is Alexandra Budz, I have exprience with free range and cage free chicken, soil structure and gardening). I am very interested if you have any opportunities please let me know.

THank you in advance for your time.
12 years ago

My name is Alexandra Budz, I am currently an intern at Paradise Acres Farm in Elgin, SC ( here I have gained experience with free range and cage free chicken ( I saw that you mentioned you raise poultry) , and soil structure and pruduce productio). I am very interested if you have any opportunities for work.

Thank you in advance for your time,
12 years ago
Hi myy name is Alexandra Budz. after looking at the information included in your post, I am very interested if you still have any opportunities. I am currently an intern at Paradise Acres Farm in Elgin, SC ( here I have gained knowledge about the raising of free range and cage free chickens, and soil structure and growing produce).

Thank you in advance for your time,
12 years ago
Hi my name is Alexandra Budz, I am a recent graduate of Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH. I am currently a intern at Paradise Acres Farm in Elgin, SC. I have learned a great deal about free range and cage free chicken, annd also soil quality and how to improve it if needed along with growing all natural produce. If you have any opportunities that are open I would be very interested.

Thank you in advance for your time.
12 years ago
I sent you an email a while back but have not heard back from you, I am still very interested.
12 years ago
Hi my name is Alexandra Budz,

I am a recent graduate of Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH. I have always loved gardening , and my family tries to use organic produce, meats, etc. and I have become very interest, in doing more. I don't not really have a great deal of experience with permacullture farming, but have done a great deal of research and I would love to learn more.

If you have any opportunities please let me know,

Thank you in advance for your time
12 years ago