2014 was a busy year at Sugarloaf Permaculture. Half way through we started teaching our first PDC that was held at the local community gardens over 14 Sundays. After finishing at the end of November, I was relieved as my evenings were less pressured without the constant preparation and some Sundays were ours again. After some days, while out in the garden, I reflected on the huge number of hours that went into preparing the content for presentation. Yes, I am somewhat of perfectionist and wanted to create a resource that students could keep and refer back to any time (a collection of PowerPoints). But, I wondered how many potential teachers out there were put off by the amount of preparation needed? Anyhow, the thoughts of sharing this resource set emerged and so I decided to go back through the presentations again to improve them further and to ask permission of others who had contributed. Graciously, all were willing to share their efforts. Thank you Cam Wilson, Christian Shearer, and the local presenters from Stanthorpe who are happy to further share their specialties.
People are encouraged to read the
accompanying notes before viewing the presentations. If you have a Google account, you will be able to open them in Google Drive and download one by one or the
whole folder. If you refuse to bow to Google, then here is a workaround:
* Click on "Sign in" button on the top-right corner of the linked page.
* Click Go to Google Drive
* Use this dummy account; username: permacultureconscience password: mlp=mlp=
* When logged in there will be a folder called PDC course presentations in My Drive
* Click on the folder, then hover your mouse until you find the More actions button (to right of trash can), click it and select Download at the bottom
* It will take few seconds before the folder is zipped and download starts.
* Or you can double click to get into the folder and see what's there.
These PowerPoints are made freely available in good faith. This means that they are used in accordance with the 3 Permaculture ethics. If you do use them to hold a Permaculture course, please do your best to make it affordable and offer places for people who have the desire but not the financial support. Financial limitation should not be a barrier to Permaculture Education!
If you do not intend to teach Permaculture, you are still welcome to go through the presentations and learn something new. Hopefully they will lead you to much further research and knowledge acquisition (remember to put it into use by DO-ing).
If you find these resources useful enough to feel the urge to donate money in their honour, please have a look at www.wethetrees.com and support an interesting project on there! Thank you for your love.