Lance Wildwood

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since Aug 25, 2012
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Recent posts by Lance Wildwood

Lisa Paulson wrote:I can also confirm that chickens will eat alfalpha and the egg yolks are a rich apricot colour .
I was surprised my free ranging hens loved privet seed when it was falling , a hedgeplant I only have near my house as I had read its greenery was toxic for horses.,+privet+chicken&source=bl&ots=Y4qswuIxf2&sig=utcLsq7cc565s3jXpTTaoLMdsX0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5x-OVJGpIsKyoQT4kIDACA&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=w.h%20mills%2C%20privet%20chicken&f=false

It was the passage in the link above that drew me to this forum and this thread in particular! Privet will hang on the bush in my (Coastal Temperate Rainforest) climate from December to March.
10 years ago
I think if you use the Chinese cooking style you avoid all of the various parasites. You boil the pork for a very short while which stimulates the parasite eggs to hatch then you fry it killing the parasites. But you only have to do this to pork that has not been frozen. I guess the religions that banned pork were simply not as quick as the Chinese at figuring out how to avoid parasites without freezers!
10 years ago

Wesley Staggs wrote:If you want to get them their own dedicated firearm then I'll offer another vote here for a single shot .223 (or .243) with soft point ammunition. These are also available in combo versions.

A different option that I chose to let my child get slowly acquainted with firearms is the shotgun adapter. I slide these into the barrel of my single shot 12 gauge and can shoot anything from .22lr, 9mm Luger, .410 or 20 gauge. The range suffers but it's all about teaching fundamentals and firearms safety.

Seems like logical choices.
11 years ago
There's a few really small micro-breweries around here and they using spent grains, by innoculating it with tempeh starter and feeding that to livestock of all sorts!
Alas no websites as of yet...
11 years ago
You might think of breeding good dogs as well. A decent akita sells for $1200.00! Rearing rabbits for dog food offsets the price of feed as well, our friends Burmese Mtn dogs eat ground rabbit as their main feed and the rabbits eat mostly salal! Makes sense since you seem to be a dog person...
11 years ago
As I am penning an article for 'survivalblog' edited by NYTimes bestseller 'J.W. Rawles I started to poke about for prepper expos. A good friend of mine (Dr. Richard A Miller seems to have emerged on the scene. If I were actually allowed into the US I would be looking at speaking at some of these expos. The cross fertilization between 'preppers' and re-designers (us) could bear a beautiful fruit. A LOT of preppers have what A LOT of permies lack...access to money/currency! It seems to me that speaking at events such as this one (I have listened to a few of his old shows on RBN) Get Prepared Expo could lead to actual design jobs once you reveal the 'Type 1 Design flaws' in most preppers, um, preps!

It's an idea for those of you who need extra income and it might have a high return on energy invested.
11 years ago
dragons blood works a charm. dragons blood.
My (then) 5 year old cut his finger to the bone and all we used was an elastic and dragons blood. Awesome stuff.
11 years ago
I have a fast running creek (Flume) right beside me, literally. But due to the demand of micro-hydro systems throughout my Province we can not legally access it! Bummer...
11 years ago