Rocket Mass Heater Manual
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

lori paup

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since Aug 27, 2012
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Sunizona, Az
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Recent posts by lori paup

Please keep me updated , I live in Cochise county and would like to do this for my son later on.
9 years ago
im just learning about this but my question should have been what should i put down on the wood floor first and how thick?
12 years ago
Actually you can use the berries as a "tonic or blood purifier" , just start with 1 the 1st day, 2 the 2nd and so on up to 7 days and then the same thing in reverse.
12 years ago
I live near prince gallitzen state park. There is nothing at all around here to go to. I am going to try to go the Mother Earth News Fair at the end of sept.
12 years ago
The best thing I have found for the flu is elderberries and vitamin d3.
12 years ago
I've tried searching the forum on this but I haven't found anything so I hope this isnt a repeat question. Has anyone built a rocket stove on a wood floor? I live in a old house with plank floors.
12 years ago