Rocket Mass Heater Manual
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

winston wilcox

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since Sep 07, 2012
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Recent posts by winston wilcox

Whoa!!! This looks awesome! Many thanks!
11 years ago
This is an awesome experiment!!! Keep us updated. I wonder how much its gunna shrink over the winter? Its all about experiments....!
11 years ago
For the people who need it! Wwoofs?!! Etc...

Whitey gallagher - searchin`

Whitey gallagher - gotta roam
11 years ago

here is a take on removing it with plastic and Sun combined with tilling
12 years ago
in order to keep my blueberries acidic ( or at least I hope its working... as I have not been doing it long enough yet to know for sure, only a year) I contacted a local coffee roaster and he saves the bean chaff that falls off the coffee beans during the roasting process , its awesome mulch!!! I put it down then lay straw over it to keep it down. and it smells like coffee when it rains! Had an awesome crop this year and the plants seem to look healthy . Its free and he was already throwing it away! He just leaves garbage bags of it outside the back, if I don't pick it up it goes to the dump! Sometimes it has full raw beans and roasted beans mixed in, probably from sweeping the floor of the shop . no coffee plants have popped up yet though, but I'm always hoping To see one pop up lol;)
12 years ago
There is a guy on YouTube named logcabinlooms that uses a mixture of linseed oil and pine tar to protect his wooden tool handles and work benches etc. check him out! His finished product looks amazing!!
12 years ago
I have not seen it yet either!! Thanks
What if its not a bird..... and instead maybe a squirrel or rat type critter?!?!

I have also heard of mixing potent smelling essential oils into the mix with seedballs to make them unatractive to predators.
12 years ago