paul wheaton wrote:A series of recent bits and bobs compelled my to write an article about diatomaceous earth.
Did I leave anything out?
The Silica that we get in our diets comes mostly from Whole grains and vegetables...You touched upon this botanical defense the plant employs against bugs, by enveloping their seeds with a silica dense coating. There is also high amounts of silica in leafy greens to help strengthen the fibers. We evolved to use this source of silica. The silica we ingest helps to make the bone matrix strong and less brittle. Winston Price documented the healthy bones and teeth of aboriginal peoples who get abundant Whole foods (silica). Consuming Whole grains rich in silica helps prevent Osteoarthritis. The silica helps the Calcium deposit along the shaft of the bone rather than at the ends of bones (which manifests as crippling-bony nodules). I suspect we need both, raw diatomaceous earth and larger amounts of the silica sourced from plants....which of course is D.E. repackaged and rendered more bioavailable by our green friends.