will fleming

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since Sep 09, 2012
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elaeagnus umbellata




these berries are really tart and nasty if you eat them whole...but something magical happens when you blend,boil,and strain them. you get a delicious syrup that taste exactly like cranberries and are probalby healthier. You can use it as a cranberry sauce for turkey, also it makes delicious jelly/jam. or you can mix it with water or juice and get a delicious drink. but my favorite method is to boil most the water out of it and then deydrate it for fruit leather or chopped up as craisin subsitute.

this plant is extremly common due to its nitrogen fixing and drought tolerance.
it yields incredible amount of berries too...i use a dropcloth to catch the berries when i pick.
oh, and i struggled to find a way to strain the berries....the trick was to blend up the berries then boil it and then strain it while its still boiling hot.
and dont worry about the little stems attached to the berries they are non toxic. so are the leaves. they will come out when you strain it.

12 years ago