Toby Davis

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since Sep 11, 2012
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Hi all Ill see if i can take some pictures of my system and upload them if I can do that on this site.Easy-er just to look and say Ooo ok thats easy.Basically just 2 6v batterys Fuse 30amp panels and a 110v inverter.The panels charge the batterys and the batterys feed the inverter.what you wont to run depends on the size of the inverter.The inverter has a plug built in just plug the item into it.the back has a plus and a neg from the batterys.Most inverts have a auto stop if the batterys gets below 10 1/2 v.The 6v's will last way longer then a 12v.bye for now hope this helps.
12 years ago
Hi Danielle
I have done all of that and my system is up and working.i use it more for emg use some times the power goes off and I just need power for 4 -5 hr's.But is running my out side lites .Frist i wood start small and build on it slowly.frist you need power.harbor freight sells a kit of solar panels some times on sell for 170.00 it has 3 panels,charge controller,2 12V blubs and wires you can plug into the controller,and a plug with ends to charge you need some storage. I use 6V trogen batterys put 2 together and you have 12v. this type of batterys has a lit of amp hr's so wont just go dead right put the panels with stand supplied in a sunny place that will not get shade.put all 3 wires together plus and neg connect to the charge controller on the back you will see + and - on the other side you will see battery connection.then you have that part done you can add more batterys as you go I have 30.the thing here is compasty more batteys nore you have stored.after you have the power get a inverter that changes 12v to 110v habor fright sell them two.i have a 3000w starts and holds 1500 to power stuff.when you get ready for wind let me no did that to.But sad where i live not enof all the time here so i have to go solar only.bye for now hope this helps.
12 years ago