Cécile Stelzer Johnson wrote:
Alder Burns wrote:I have made granola out of sweet potatoes! ...So....scrub and peel out bad or rough spots, but otherwise leave most of the peel on, grate them raw....using a food processor if there are a lot. Take the gratings and dry them out.....however. Store the grated pieces like this in jars or sealed containers, no need to refrigerate. When I want a "batch", take some out and drizzle with some kind of oil or grease or lard or whatever, and then toast quickly in the oven or solar cooker till they are a bit browned. This is then the starchy base of the granola, replacing the oats. The oil and browning helps them not soak up milk too quickly so they stay crunchy. Add whatever else, fruit, nuts, etc. and enjoy
This sounds yummy and I just might try. do you have a trick to prevent them from turning brown? I use Asian sweet potatoes and my main objections is that they oxidize in a minute or less unless I dip them in lemon juice or vinegar.
Jami McBride wrote:Want to conserve on TP - then why not washable rags? Cheep washcloths can be found at discount stores and garage sales, cut up into one-use sizes and washed/reused.
These can be misted with a spray bottle for a wet-wipe functionality.
The wash water can then be applied to ones compost or trees if proper natural soap is used.
My response:
we started using cloth about 2 years ago- in conjunction with tp and our composting toilet- big savings- people think we are nuts too- but we just bought 3 -10 packs of colored washcloths at walmart 5$/pk cheapest tp we ever bought - 1 small load a week and they double as feminine pads as needed- if we got more still would be same 1 load maybe every 2 weeks- YES has saved us