First I want to say hello to the forum, I think it is a great resource and comunity!
Now about the aphids. I know they come when plants are stressed and avoiding stress is enough to prevent them, but when not using irrigation we can count on some stressed plants even if for short periods of time. I also understand that ants take care of them underground and also protect them on the plant.
So I thod: How can I make ants stop helping the aphids and since the aphids provide sugar to the ants I started droping fruit prunings at the base of the afected plants. Two days later the aphids were alone and another two days later there were no aphids on the plant! (presumably predators got them). Plus the ants are now protecting in some way the base of the plant.
I am not sure this would work every time since I had very few plants with aphids (3) but it may be the case. Maybe this could be used in trees too? I imaging geting a small basket in the three with some sugary thing.
Please tell me what do you think.