Steve Hardie

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since Sep 17, 2012
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About a month ago I was looking for some canning recipes. Several searches, links and clicks later, I ended up here. I have been coming back ever since.

Permaculture is still very new to me, but I have been looking for a way to become more self-sufficient for several years. It started with a small garden and has been evolving ever since. I am beginning my first compost project and also setting up some Hugelkultur beds this year.

Still very much a consumerist and novice permaculturist, but I am of the opinion that every little bit helps. Thanks for all the great information.
12 years ago
I have found that, similar to cornmeal, grits work very well. Depends on what you have in the cupboard. The ants can't resist them and can't digest them. They make it back to the colony to share, as well.

This approach seems to work best for the small red ants. The larger red and all black ants don't seem to like them as well. The little red ones just disappear in about a day or two.

Hope this is helpful.
12 years ago