Jill Gabu

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since Sep 18, 2012
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Paul, Thank you. I am very new to permaculture and permies and YES you do give away more. Permies.com is a tremendous free source of endless info. This quality alone makes me want to meet you more than ever, and I dare say I would PAY to have the opportunity.
Good luck in all your endeavors and thanks again.
I have to second what others are saying about the JGs. I have a old flock of JGs and a new flock of Buckeyes - they truly free range and the Buckeyes are GREAT foragers. I don't have any Buckeyes old enough to breed, but I have high hopes for laying and raising chicks.

12 years ago
Hi! Newbie to the whole permie thing here.
What an interesting idea...

Just got 100+ bales of old hay to start building HKs. My plan is to stack the old wood in the center and stack bales 3 high to sort of pen in the leaves etc.
My concern with the cold storage in the bed would be the heat that is generated from the composting. However, it might not be enough to keep it from being plenty cool. We are always trying to make anything we do serve more than one purpose, so I love the idea.
Let us know how it goes!
12 years ago