geraint britton

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since Sep 18, 2012
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Recent posts by geraint britton

Day lily are my favourites - they're large, so much easier to gather a salad (EVO oil, balsamic vinegar and some toasted sesame seeds). Commercially grown in China - Golden Needles or Buddha fingers, can also be dried for later use. Also the shoots and tubers are edible and tasty (eaten it as 'Golden Bamboo' in a noodle stir fry)
Want to try out some Yucca flowers, traditional food in Central America (think Costa Rica, not Kansas...), but I'd hate to pass by 'Roman broccoli', or broccolo romanesco, the ultimate mandelbrot/fractal vegetable...
I've just pulled mine up and hung them in a string bag in a cellar till August. The leaves had finally dried off and the roots withered, so it was the right time. Here in Italy the bulbs are stored over the summer to protect them from mice, boar, porcupines, mould etc...
4 years ago

geraint britton wrote:Melia azaderach, or Persian prayer bead tree is a relative of Neem, my rabbits and hens like to eat the leaves, I believe some people use them (dried) as an anti parasite on larger animals...?

See pfaf. org... Plants for a Future, based in Cornwall UK
5 years ago
Melia azaderach, or Persian prayer bead tree is a relative of Neem, my rabbits and hens like to eat the leaves, I believe some people use them (dried) as an anti parasite on larger animals...?
5 years ago
I use lye water in the washing machine instead of bought detergents, it works best with a pre soak. Sometimes I manage to include some soapwort towards the end of the lye cooking, it really makes a difference with fabrics, but I don't bother if I'm going to use it for the dishes or cleaning other surfaces.... Lye is really effective on raw wood.
Unfortunately I can't say what it's effect on plants/soil is like, as my washing machines in the basement in a very mediaeval hilltop village, plummed in to the sewage system, and any changes would certainly be noticed, like perforating walls a metre thick.... but most of my neighbours aren't plummed in at all.... bathrooms appeared here in the 60s, often as a closed in balcony stuck on the back of the house, with a tube sending black/grey water down the rockface. But I have a LOT of bamboo spreading below the drains.
Tried an experiment with lye, mixing it with vinegar to neutralizer the pH then using it as a fertiliser for some Musa /Japanese banana plants... they love the potassium.
I make lye with one part sifted HARDWOOD Ash and 5 parts water, in an old copper pan, mixing on a simmer for a couple of hours. This way I get to make my own copper sulphate (?), which forms on the rim, should I ever need it....
Here near Rome Lye water is/was known as Bucato, which literally means laundry (in Italian its officially called Lisciva). I also use it to cure green olives, or you can throw 'em directly into a pot or bucket of ashes...
5 years ago
Best de-icker/expectorant in my book has to be Coltsfoot flower Tussilago. Have used it on a nasty dry cough (sanding down old roofbeams) and when I do singing recitals. It's always worked for me and has a long history of use by opera singers...and the roots can be candied and the leaves smoked (Pliny's asma cure). Contains pyrrhozoic alkaloids or sumpfin like that, so don't over do it...
6 years ago
Tea Eggs can have infinite variations in the recipe, during the summer you can reboil the eggs in their liquor briefly each day till they're gone (not trying to wipe out the permaculture network here) - after a couple of days they resemble metal eggs, a popular Taiwanese snack (especially common with quail eggs).
I also use duck eggs, they come out a bit harder but I still find them delicious ...
..the measures are in mixed metric...

20 eggs (shells scrubbed clean)
2  litres water (spring water if possible)
an egg sized piece of fresh ginger
"     "        "    amount of garlic cloves
A couple of dried chili peppers,
2 to 4 slices of dried liquorice root
a (small) head of star anice
5 or 6 cloves
a level tablespoon of Chinese five spices powder
30 grams of black tea
20 grams of green tea
150 cc (a small cup) light soy sauce
150 cc.                        rice wine

Put water on to boil in a pot with a lid
Heat a large pan or a wok adding a few drops of vegetable oil, to a medium heat
Slice ginger (thick wafers), add to pan and stir frequently
Bruise the garlic cloves (leave the tunic on)
When the ginger starts to dry out add the garlic cloves and stir, then add the chilli and keep stirring.
When the water starts to boil add the black and green teas cover and take off the heat
When the chilli start to blister add the liquorice root and star anice and stir.
Take an egg at a time and give it a sharp tap on the blunter end or prick it with a needle, then place in pan/wok
Drain the tea off into the pan with the eggs and other ingredients, reserving the leaves
Add 5 spice powder and cloves and heat for 20 minutes on a low heat
Take off the heat and cool for 20 minutes then cook for another 20 minutes on a low heat and cool for another 20 minutes...
Now the fun bit.......
Take out an egg at a time with a tablespoon and give it a series of sharp taps/whacks all over with the back of a teaspoon (6 - 10) and replace in the liquid
Add the soy and wine, also the tea leaves if you want, and cook on a vigorous boil for another 20 minutes.
Let the whole shenanigans cool down then peel and reveal your very own agate effect tea egg

Buon appetito
6 years ago
Satureja hortensis/montana. Summer/winter Savoury. Here in Italy it's called Erba Pepe....guess ...
Used lots with legumes (aids digestion) and is great for calming the itch of mosquito bites. A friend cooks her cabbage with guarana powder - I still haven't tried it out.
6 years ago
Some of the 'Giochi d'acqua' at Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Italy, nearly 500 yrs old.
6 years ago
A cheese from Sardinia, Casu Marsu is full of the larvae of a fly...but it's now illegal to sell it. I've made it accidentally here near Rome, by not turning a sheeps cheese often enough, moisture accumulating and softening the rind enough for the fly to lay her eggs.
My favorite is the mole cricket, a bit of a pest, has a lovely smokey taste, at least the deep fried ones with a puff of chili oil in Thailand do, where people eat lots of stuff. Least favorite so far is silk worms, too squishy inside...and bees are just too valuable.
6 years ago