B.R. Dick

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since Sep 18, 2012
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Ken, sorry to disagree with you but it is the heat core in the stainless that causes the heat to move fast or slow. Stainless steel by itself is not a good conductor of heat. It is more of an insulator than a conductor. Most stainless steel with a carbon core in it does not transfer the heat well at all thereby ending in burnt, scorched food. Then there is stainless steel with an aluminum core....better but slower. There is a flour test that will let you visually see where the base of your pan is the hottest and coolest. To keep foods from sticking in stainless steel you'd need a cookware that has 5+ layers in it.....3 just don't cut it most of the time.....especially cooking without water or grease. Using medium and low heats is the key.
12 years ago
When it comes to stainless steel for cookware there are 59 different grades used in the cookware industry. Just because it is stamped "stainless steel" does not mean it is a good grade and non-reactive. Some are very cheap some expensive. The cheaper type can rust after being washed in a dishwasher. The more expensive types have more Chromium, Nickle and Titanium in them and will not rust even washed over and over in dishwasher. I bought a set in 1972 and still using it today. It was not cheap when I bought it back 40 yrs ago. but being as I have not had to buy new pans in over 40 years it reminds of the saying "you get what you pay for". This is the best money my wife and I have spent in our 44 yrs of married life and they are still under warranty. This type of stainless steel is also the same stuff that surgeons will put inside you for broken bones (pins and screws) because it does not react with body chemistry. The cheaper stainless steels can react with lots of things but the better grades will not. When looking for stainless steel look for a USA made product. Stay clear of those made in foreign countries. Look for one that has at least one heat core in it as stainless is a poor heat conductor but a great insulator. The more heat core's the better. Look for one that is made of T-304. A liquid core is unbeatable for even cooking. Hope this helps.
12 years ago
The beet is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.
12 years ago