Henrik Hellman

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since Sep 28, 2012
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Recent posts by Henrik Hellman

Kevin Franck wrote:
Oh, i live in Göteborg. I'm an American transplant. I'm not real sure what or how much you want to do. Just remove what you want starting out small than then go from there. I'd wait and start in late April. You know how long it takes for spring to actually get here. This summer BTW was the lousiest growing season with cool temps and almost constant on and off rain.

Small world, I'm not far from Göteborg, 10 miles south east! I can imagine growing season wasnt so good this summer. Greenhouses do make a lot of sense here
You have ablog you said, you have a link maybe?

Anyways... The plan is to turn this lupin-invaded area to a place for growing lots of veggies, fruit trees berries etc.
I'm still very confused on how to get rid of all these lupins. I'm very curious about sheet mulching, maybe I'll try that on a smaller area and see if it keeps them down. I can also dig up the roots on another area and see how it works out...
12 years ago
Thanks all for your input!

Seems like there are very different varieties with different hardiness etc. I think we have the wild invasive kind here too.
You can really see it spreading.

Paulo: Great info! You suggest digging up their roots by hand. This seems like soo much work You dont think covering with something would work at all?
I dont really know how perennials work with their root system... Do they "live" underground even if the plant is not being able to develop over ground or do the roots
break down eventually?

I have begun removing the seeds, so I will have LOTS of them. I will look into the possibility of mailing some abroad if there is interest.

12 years ago
Hey all!

Recently bought a small house with some land. (In Sweden) This year we only made a small patch for herbs but for next year we want to grow lots more.
There is a really nice area with sun all day and the soil seems to be very good. Problem is it's just full of lupins. Partly I guess that's good because they bind nitrogen to the ground and their deep roots kind of tills the soil.
But they have completely taken over!

It seems like the perfect spot for growing though. Do you think sheet mulching would work for this? Or are they so tough they get through the layers? Anyone had some experience with this or got some ideas?
We got the advice from a local to hire someone to get a tractor there and dig up the roots but we dont want to do that and ruin the soil structure.

And yes we want to keep some of them for bees insects etc

12 years ago