ben thatcher

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since Oct 19, 2012
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Recent posts by ben thatcher

Cheers Leila and Tyler, I have altered my plan slightly. I have now removed the Nasturtiums at the top of the plan and replaced them with Borage and at the bottom of the plan I have replaced the Borage with Asparagus (6 Plants) so that the Asparagus is planted along the edge (Do you think six is enough? And will I have to replace the Asparagus at the end of a season with something else? or can I now just grow Asparagus their continually?)

Where the original Asparagus (3 plants) was located I have just grown a few more Tomatoes, my parents love Tomatoes.
I have also swapped Plot A (Roots - carrots and onions) with Plot D (Peas, Beans and Potatoes) in the cycle, is that what you meant Leila? (I have confused myself a bit here). So the order now is:

• Carrots, Onions

• Peas, Beans

• Tomatoes
Basil, Tomatoes

• Broccoli
Rocket, Radish

I will try and attach the new diagram.
12 years ago
I have been studying crop rotation and companion planting non-stop for a week now. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this and doing it in a section of my parents garden where there is grass lawn that has never really been used. I have designed a plan for a four year crop rotation (that I have attached) for a non-dig vegetable garden from information I gathered of various sites over the internet and was hoping some more experienced (anybody) that could give me some advice on my plans and to make sure they will work.

12 years ago