We put together a test system using firebrick, 8" I.D. round insulated heat riser, 55 gal steel drum, 8" exhaust pipe (16' w/ three 90's), following Ianto's book pretty closely. We have slow flow through the system with some worrisome backsmoke.
We want to understand the dynamics better. What makes the rocket force? How can we tweak the system to get a stronger flow?
The only deviations we made from a traditional design is using the barrel right side up with a removable lid, and cutting holes in the bottom for the heat riser and 8" outflow directly connected to the bottom of the barrel. The heat riser has about 1.5 inches of rock wool blanket insulation. We dry stacked the blocks and sealed joints with clay/sand mortar. The burn tunnel is about 6" high x about 7.25" wide. It's not extra long either.
Don't get me wrong, we DID get a positive flow through the system, but it was weak, not as rockety as I would want to pull more fire and smoke in that direction. It was too easy for fire and smoke to go vertically up the feed area. And we still have more exit flue to add to go up and out a wall in the building.
So, what makes the rocket power?