First things first: Paul Wheaton, thank you for this excellent store of knowledge. I take possession of a 20 acre farm in Arlington in two weeks, and you and the others here have already saved me from making a large number of poor decisions and bad, expensive mistakes. I"ll make many more as I'm a total rookie, but at least I feel you've launched me in the right direction. Look forward to using this as a resource.
Quick question (to anyone): does hugelkultur necessarily need to be shaped with a bell curve? Might one reap the same benefits using a more "common" flat, raised bed layout (higher, of course, to accomodate the layers of wood, soil, etc., but still flat across the top)? I can see how the bell-curve makes it easier to plant and harvest (no bending over, etc.) but I must admit that, at first impression, I'm not wild about the aesthetics. I'd also plan to grow lots of root vegetables and would be concerned about all the dirt sliding downhill after digging, etc. I can see that the bell curve shape prevents the need for retaining walls, etc....
Thanks for any guidance. Just a newbie questioning accepted practice.
Thanks again for everyone's tremendous generosity here.