Nicola Savio

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since Dec 14, 2012
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Recent posts by Nicola Savio

Thnx Lorenzo, I'will bee pleased to keep you up to date with all the 'perks' specifications. We are setting up some posts about the tiny and the bigger strawbale houses but, in the meanwhile, I can answer here every questions or, if you have a good internet connection, on skype (nicola-ortodicarta) or googlehangout (+NicolaSavio
9 years ago
Good tips! Thank you. I will try something to corral (probabli velcro or such things).
For now they seems to have slowed down due to a few cool night... we will see...
Thank again!
10 years ago
Hi to all,
Well, I have an update about our BSF bin:
we have colonised it with 1000 maggots and everything seem quite nice (they are devouring alla the stuff some friend of our had in a fridge that broke down during the summer holiday)
but... we have some problem with the landing board to the collection jar: the maggot don't just migrate on a 35°-40° degree surface but they can just take a walk upside down spreading on all the inner sides of the bin.
Now we have to find a tweak... any suggestion?

In the photo: the 'landing board to the exit'
10 years ago
@Christian Kettner - looks like it is a sealed system...

Yes is a semi-sealed system. I would like to be sure to grow a good community. My plan is to compost pig manure and humanure, feed chicken and ducks with the pupae and be sure to have a stable colony of BSF around. I've seen some but not so much, probably it depends on how cold winter is so I prefer to have an enclosed back-up.

@Burra Maluca -

...The behaviour is called 'lekking'...

Thank's for the hint! I will make some research. The only thing I found is that BSF need light to mate and, probably, some leaf or grass. To be honest I've picked up the design idea from the Austrian Designer Katharina Unger
Probably they will need more space...

I'll keep you up to date when the maggots arrive...

10 years ago
Hi, I'm working on an enclosed system to breed Black Soldier Fly in order to get the maggot, the leachate an (possibly) the compost getting rid of the pig manure all at once.
Now I have finished the pod and I'm looking to get my first bunch of maggots from a friend so I don't know if it will work...
Anyway if someone has got some advice I will be very pleased to listen...

(Sorry 'bout the english... I'm Italian...)

Have a good life
10 years ago
Hi William,
Here is a video he talks about permaculture at 26:17
and there are some posts on his blog.
I think it could be a good thing to go mainstream with permaculture even if I'm not totally happy about the 'roadmap'. The risk is just to have another Green Businness...
But, maybe, I'm just pessimistic

11 years ago
His name is Beppe Grillo. As I said, he is a former comidian.
His party is called 'Movimento 5 stelle" (five star movement). They got some pretty ideas about direct democracy, ecology, downshift etc... but they use to shout to much and, it seems to me, that they are a little populists and demagogues... but, as I said, I like more peoples than political parties even if they are made by people.
The thing is, knowing italian ability to surf every mindbubbling theory that keep ourself out of direct responsability, it's quite disturbing, for me, to hear about permaculture in political speeches... anyway... a lot of italian permies would disagree... they voted for 'Movimento 5 stelle'

11 years ago
Hi everybody.
Don't know if you have had a look lately to Italian politics. If not, I can't blame you.
Anyway, as Italian I would like to know from permies around: How would you feel if a party led by an ex-comedian (a kind of Lenny Bruce with a pesto flavour around him) would became the first national party talking, between a lot of diverse rants, about permaculture?
Mind you, I'm not fond of political parties so I can't be objective on the subject.
Please... give me a feedback from abroad (and, by the look of Italian political scene, maybe, a ticket to came to see you)

God life to everybody!
11 years ago