Patrick Leclerc

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since Dec 31, 2012
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Recent posts by Patrick Leclerc

I started today, so I will let you know! That link was awesome. Thanks for all the help.
10 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement Jaime, I will absolutely start this. What temperatures doe you think I could start this is outside? We are still below freezing at night where I am. Also, I notice you are not under any cover (that I can see), how do you protect the pile from the rain? I assume you get a lot where you are.
10 years ago
Hi Jaime,

I am trying to do this system for the 1st time after watching Geoff Lawtons Soils DVD. He mentions having .3 cu M each of High carbon (shredded), manure and fresh greens in your pile for the best possible compost. I have a couple of questions...

1. How do you shred stuff like old hay? Is there an easy way I am missing?
2. I cannot produce 0.3cu M of Fresh greens in a day... How do you store them until ready to use? I am thinking kitchen scraps here but maybe I should not be using those?


10 years ago
Thanks S Benji, and thank you for the PM.
11 years ago
I have been bitten with the farming/permaculture bug. We moved from the city (where we lived all our lives) to an 80 acre hobby farm in 2010. I raised chickens (in tractors) for selling for the first time last year and this year we are expanding to turkeys and pigs as well. I have signed up for the Geoff Lawton online PDC because there is SO much I do not know, and I would like to learn. My goal is to one day make a living from my farm, and since I have no preconceived notions on how to do things, I am a sponge soaking up all the info I can to make my "operation" as sustainable and animal friendly as possible.

I have cruised some of the threads and am giddy (yes giddy) with the wealth of information on here. Hopefully at one point I will be able to contribute rather than absorb, but for now I will be up late tonight reading threads.
11 years ago