Bruce Glenn

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since Jan 20, 2013
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Hi James don't let the naysayers get you down. Straw bale homes work in the northwest along with ant properly designed natural or conventional home. I have built Sb since 1995 in Durnago colorado website . The down side is ignorance when it comes to straw. As you understand all conventional and natural homes are organic and can decompose when in contact with water. If you can build your self a SB home or cottage and use it as a show case and prove it does work. When I moved to the Northwest in 2001 I surveyed the area talked to builders, Architects , home owners about SB failures. The only rotting Straw bales were in a studio friend Architect Chris Stafford found was in Vancouver washington with the straw in contact with a north hill grade. Ventilating a rain screen for water exposure locations makes sense. And as you understand Proper Flashing and building above the grade is the key.

passive solar does work here too>


Good Luck

Bruce Glenn
strawbalehomes since 1995

11 years ago