Rhoda Kendry

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since Jan 24, 2013
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I have country skills but live in a city.
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Recent posts by Rhoda Kendry

There is permaculture Hamilton. I don't know how many belong to the group at this point. It is Teresa's baby, we communicate quite frequently. So there are some things that are being worked on at this point. In this city unfortunately money talks and we be broke lol. But so far the ideas put forward have been really great and discussions with other groups are imminent. Some money making ideas have been discussed as well to get us in the green (snickers). Any ideas or thoughts are welcome.
Beautifying Hamilton is my baby on FB. It leans more toward urban gardening and gorilla gardening.

As a side... anyone know where to get some decent clay for seed bombs in Hamilton?

I have several people willing to help but no clay
10 years ago
Hi Carmen

There are so few of us but we do what we can. Are you on Facebook? Check out Permaculture Hamilton and Beautifying Hamilton. Anyone else have an FB page?

10 years ago
Thank you Jack for a great podcast. You had me laughing my arse off.
Thank you Theresa for the original post.
Thank you Paul for changing your mind.

Great thread
10 years ago
-44 sounds like Manitoba. Not all Canadians are Goobers

I personally have not put money in because I'm a single mom making minimum wage. You have noooo Idea how much I wanted a deck of those playing cards or the rocket mass heater stuff lol.

Paul I have learned so much in your forums and from the videos. I am eternally greatful that someone is out there doing what you do and sharing as much as you have for free.

I'm in just let me know when we start and where to be.

got my book online for $170 used. was thrilled to find only a tiny scratch on the cover. lovely book.
11 years ago
Permaculture has changed the way I do everyday things, the way i think, the way I react to problems. Once you figure out how to make your life more permaculture friendly it just gets easier.
Do I dig big swales? No I live in the city and plant my apple seeds in every planter box, city park and nature path I can find. I scatter annual flower and food seeds in vacant lots (seed bomb).
It's taught me to reuse more, recycle more, and about buying locally.
So am I actulaly doing permaculture? Yes I think I am.
11 years ago

Dean Hale wrote:Hi Rhoda,

I understand your collecting signatures for the community garden application. I will certainly sign it, contact me by email at growinggreenhamilton@gmail.com


as soon as I get it printed off. Hopefully tomorrow. I will start geting the signatures then hand it off to theresa
11 years ago
Great minds think alike. I was actually thinking of an espalier pear for the back fence.
11 years ago