I have two mated pairs of American Buff geese. One goose built her nest and began laying, followed about three weeks later by the second one.. I pulled the first few eggs and allowed each of them to go broody as they filled their nests. The ganders were very diligent in guarding the broody geese. Everything was going perfectly I was so happy with these geese. One goose went broody two weeks before the other.
Two days ago six healthy goslings emerged and one happy family seemed to be doing great. Then, yesterday I could find no goslings. Mom and Dad were there as usual, but no babies. I searched and found nothing. I was thinking hawk, owl as I found no sign of struggle. Then I went to check the second broody goose and she was sitting with her wings in a odd position. There were all six of the goslings. I eased past the gander watchdog and recovered the six and placed them back with their mother/father. They seemed contented the rest of the day.
This morning all six were back with the broody goose. Has anyone had this happen to them? Every player in this scenario seems content (except myself). I am afraid if I allow the goslings to take up residence with the foster mom she will leave her eggs thinking this is her babies.
I really would like to keep them free range and not pen them, but that may be the only solution. Any thoughts would be appreciated.