Cynthia Dang

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since Jan 26, 2013
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Recent posts by Cynthia Dang

There is a place in Tennessee called the farm that you could look into. I'm in search or a homestead for my family too....looking for 3-5 acres that we can build a rammed earth structure on, north of Atlanta.
12 years ago
We are also in N.GA and are looking to build a rammed earth home in Forsyth county and have started looking for land to build on. We would be interested in helping others with construction if needed. We like the design of the castle earthship with certain modifications and no tires or cans. I want to do some walls out of bottles, so when the time comes to build I may need help drinking the contents of all the bottles.

I will be watching others on here as they build and may need guidance when it comes to permits and such in the area. Anyone know of a qualified architect and/or builder that knows about rammed earth in the area??
12 years ago