Garth Rasmusson

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since Feb 01, 2013
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Recent posts by Garth Rasmusson

Dan, thanks for joining. I have acquired an old pop up that is in rough shape. The frame is good and there are many parts that I can repurpose. I want something bigger than a teardrop style but still create a unit I can move easily. Does anybody have a suggestion or a resource I can refer to? Thank you in advance. Garth
9 years ago
I primarily bow hunt. You and the family can have a fun family time learning primitive hunting methods. Depending on your state requirements, archery is a great way to be involved in wild harvest and connections with the outdoors. Matthews make the Craze, Bow Tech makes an ultimate edge which offer complete adjustment from youth to adult draw lengths and weights. Go for it!
10 years ago
While I do agree that a responsible mentor will do everything in their power to educate our new hunters to ethical hunting methods. I am a state Hunter Education Instructor. I have instructed children as young as 7 that are mentally and physically able to handle a wide variety of firearms. My daughter has had a pink cricket single shot since the age of 4. My son is not mature enough to be introduced to firearm use. Both children are educated in woodsmanship and conservation.
There are very good comments made thru out this thread.
1st make the time to take a hunters education class. Make it a family affair so that the household is involved.
Teach ethical hunting practices and conservation. Respect the sustainable gift of pure food.
keep the child's respect for life in check and lead by example.
The fact that you are asking questions is great. If you live in an area that has 4H clubs look into the shooting sport aspect of the programs.
10 years ago
I dont know much on the subjet. BING-4 hour body by Timothy Ferriss. He has some info on the subjet. Its my understanding that it can be a good source of fiber and lead to a healthy evacuation process. Hope this helps a little. Garth
11 years ago
I have found that canning venison adds another valuable treat from my fall harvest. Use of a pressure cooker is a must in this process. This makes for a wonderfully tender meal that is loaded with protein and very little fat. We also corn our venison roasts using a traditional method. Good eating!
11 years ago
All good advice. I use my bow and an air gun. Both of these tool takes practice but the results are good. There are locator calls for sale that work well. I kiss the back of my hand in a fashion that sounds like a squirl in distress. This may help in locating your quarry. A dog is a great suggestion. Enjoy the squirrels. They are tasty!
11 years ago
just roaming around and found a video thatI just checked out of our local library...Alone in the Wildeerness. Bob Swerer Productions...Documenting the life of Richard Proenneke. This is an increadible documentary especially since it is footage fom1968! I was glad to see other here are interested in this type of media.
11 years ago
Sorry so long in my replies...I am interested in getting back to basics. I am fortunate to live inthe fertile midwest. We have great hardwood lots filled with all types of resources. I spend a good amount of time in the suronding woods and waterways. Our 3 acre place is rocky. I have an old fruit orchard that I want to replace and have been looking at making a hugelkultur pile to plant a new orchard in.
11 years ago
I am new to this forum and so glad I found you. I do not have a lot of information to add, but love reading all the information provided. I am not sure we can take the world over but we can do our part! I am reading as much as I can and trying to apply these basic principals to my circle of friends. Thanks for all your input! Keep me in your loop! Garth
11 years ago