Steve Johnson

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since Feb 11, 2013
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Adrien - thank you for your quick reply! I am not so concerned about the irrigation portion, that is secondary for me. My main goal is to build up and loosen the crappy clay backfill that the developer used to create my lawn.
11 years ago
I am new to the idea of hugelkultur and have a quick question. Sorry, if this is in the forum already and i missed it, but is kiln dried lumber ok for builing a hugelkutlur? I live in a new subdivision so not many trees to get wood from, but they are still building new homes and throw away ridiculous amounts of 2x4s and what not and was wondering if i could use this wasted resource? Obviously i don't want to use anything treated or plywood that is a given. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
11 years ago