Sam Cook

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since Feb 14, 2013
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Just started reading about grafting fruit trees.
And know I have a hypothetical question, that may become a reality if the answers suggest any success.

Having lots of verities of scions ( fruit tree sticks )
And the technique and materials needed.
Can I just find random trees locally and start guerrilla grafting everywhere? Or are there certain trees that just won't work.

Will any hard wood do? Or does it have to be a fruit tree?
10 years ago
I'll be honest, I had to google "leechate"
Awsome idea! Thank you!
They will be removed, I'll use the for vertical planters or something.
10 years ago
I've just secured a number of pallets (if I compost here it has to be contained In a "structure", no free range compost piles allowed! ) it's still winter here in S.E Virginia, and all I have is brown leaves, pine straw and a butt-load of soggy fungusy mixed wood in all diameters and a dependable supply of rabbit poop via 2 bunnys and kitchen waste.

Am I good to go? Planning on mixing all this stuff up until it looks like a cubic yard or so the get out of natures way.

That pretty much it right? I can pee on it if it makes you happy.
10 years ago
I can see that, I guess it wouldn't have to be completely filled to the top, maybe recessed like a basin. That would probably work out great with the aquaculture suggestion.

11 years ago
Anyone have an pinion on repurposing exhausted sand borrow pits by filling them with HugelKultur material.
There are a couple in my area and I believe they can be purchased relatively cheap,
They stop using them when the reach the water table, so I was basically thinking of making a giant 8 acre "Jack Spirco quote" "woody bed" seems to me it could be filled up for free or even at a profit buy charging or offering a plant matter only type of land fill as an educational local community project. Lawn clippings, leaves, tree branches, trees! Storm clean up as long as its natural plant material. No construction junk. Eventually it would be about 30 feet thick and 8 acres in size.

Reasonable idea? Or an I just nuts?

11 years ago
I can't have a garden, so if it grows. It grows in a pot.
Don't know if this will work or not. (It should) but I cut some old jeans into strips about an inch or so wide and 10 inches to 2 feet in length ( my hand got tired of cutting)

Anyone know how to get strawberries to grow in an 18 wheeler?
11 years ago
I'm a truck driver so I'm gone a lot, in my neighborhood I can't have a garden "per say " how ever I can have a "flower bed" that goes out from the house up to 36" and it can be 12" deep, it can also surround the house, creating lots of little climate zones in my 7b S.E VA. Area, my question is what kinds of good fruits veggies and spices are "set it and forget it" type plants, keep in mind I'm away for 2-3 weeks at a time. Any ideas will be appreciated!
Oh! I will be using rain water catchment for irrigation, but! I won't be around to baby sit it!
11 years ago