Dustin Frank

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since Feb 19, 2013
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i'm not sure where to put this...

any aquaponics people out there i would love feed back...

started a aquaponics effort. right now im limited to a 50 gallon barrel with koi and gold fish in it growing about 15 plants. mostly lettuce but there is one grapevine.

i hear that its either bad or just stupid to use rock wool to hold the plants while in hydroton but they are good seed starters, thoughts?

aquaponics videos say when you start a system to use lettuce for the first few grows to get the good bacteria started, can i use something else?

can i transfer large aquaponic grown plants into soil when they are too big for the system ie: trees and grapes?

i've seen murray halem grow papaya in his aquaponics system but can you grow other trees? i think it would be cool to see things like bamboo and surgarcane in the systems. but how cool would it be to see the california redwood (giant sequoia) in aquaponics.

any one have aquaponic potatoe ideas? i've heard you can grow them in shallow ground and its much easier to harvest them.
12 years ago
my name is Dustin Frank, i am 20 years old and live in phoenix. can travel and have own transport. room and board wanted, meals and teachings appreciated. if a second job is nesescary please list options available in the town the farm is in. expeirenced with gardens, water management, garden design. lern quickly and want to be taught everything. wanting to start a homestead of my own in colorado one day.
12 years ago
one day while petting my rabbit, in the light i noticed a blue tinge. turns out my black new zeland is actually navy blue. Nice coat im thinking when i comes time to eat him.
12 years ago