alexander kingsbury

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since Feb 24, 2013
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Recent posts by alexander kingsbury

I can't speak to how well this product works with mosquitoes, but it's VERY effective for vinegar flies. (I'm not in any way affiliated with this company). It's just a cone of netting that attaches to a box fan. The fan pulls in flying insects and traps them in the bag where they die from dehydration. No chemicals, just a little electricity.
9 years ago
I have a hair over 20 acres, and there are various other plots in the area.
11 years ago
I'm brand new as a poster in these forums, but I've used them as a source of information for some time. My wife and I are interested in a more sustainable lifestyle. We have purchased a plot of land north of Laurel, Montana (near Billings). We intend to go there and build a "starter cabin" to live in while we build what we call our "forever home". But I believe that community is as important as what one does on one's own. So I'm looking for people who are or want to be in the area who want to be part of a sustainable community. Not necessarily all living in the same spot, but in the same general area, so we can call on each other and help each other. I love the idea of a barn raising, of being invited over for the slaughter of a cow, of knowing that there's someone I can call for advice when my goat is feeling sick. Construction is the big one for me; I love the idea of several families getting together and buying a press to make earth blocks, then working together to build homes for everyone. So please reply, if you are in the area or want to be, and are interested in this sort of thing. If you're looking for a place you can live, at least for a while, I've got land. If you're looking for support, I'll give what I can. If you want to get goether and build homes, drop me a line. I love the idea of a co-op, a time bank, a tool library, sweat equity, and much more. Let me know what you're into.
11 years ago
I know it's a while since you posted, but I had to give this a try. My wife and I want to build a healthy life for ourselves. To that end, we bought some land. It's completely undeveloped, and it will be a while before we get there. If you're looking for a place to call home, I think it would be grand to have you there for free. We would get the benefit of good people on the land, and you would have more or less free reign in a good area (just north of Laurel, MT). From the sound of you, I wouldn't discount the idea of you living there even after we move there (it's 20 acres). Let me know if you're interested, or if I'm just being the fool.
11 years ago