Patrick powser

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since Apr 05, 2013
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I live in Amsterdam and it was strange to see how amazed people are by our bicycles

We had public bicycles which where the bright orange color as you can see in one of the pictures, but people would just put them in their garages and put locks on them so that was a fail

A lot of students dont own a bicycle but steal unlocked bicycles that are standing at train stations, this is not a big problem because if you leave it unlocked then you probably dont care about your bike.

The "industrial work basket" that the maker of the website describes is actually used by mothers to carry their children to school, though I guess you can carry stuff in it but it is most often used to transport children that is why you can see a couple photos of children in the baskets on his website.

The tight dresses are summer dresses so I would assume that he took these pictures in the summer, lots of women wear dresses in the summer.

Driving with someone on the back of your bike is really hard and ruins your bike but it is often convenient and the bikes usually so old that it doesnt really matter anymore

The human powered dynamo is convenience because it lasts extremely long in some cases and they are really cheap, so you wont have to change batteries for a bike that is barely worth as much as those batteries, also because you get fined for not having a light at night and these are, in my experience, failproof so you wont ever get caught with empty batteries and a fine because of it.

Recently I noticed an increase in popularity of "Granny bikes" which are old style bikes which are bought rickety and falling apart for a low price (even though they are new) that way your bike is less likely to get stolen and you wont have to buy a fancy lock for it.

Using a phone on the bike is really dangerous and our government is trying to ban it, I have personally seen or heard of accident because of phone use while biking, even some fatal ones.

The small bikes with the high seat are actually foldable bikes so you can put them in the trunk of your small european car or easily take them with you in a train.

I really loved looking at Amsterdam from the eyes of a foreigner and maybe this answers some questions.
11 years ago