Thekla Darensbourg

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since Apr 10, 2013
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Recent posts by Thekla Darensbourg

Tortillas from sourdough starter? Now that sounds good! I would also love more info on that is you are willing to share.
As for me I am in the beginnings of fermentation exploration. I have successfully made cultured veggies over the years(and sometimes not successfully, lol). I am waiting for a sourdough starter as I tried my own but it went bad and as I have never worked with it before I would love to see what the smell should be so I have a better frame of reference. I believe I let it sit past it's prime as I thought it was starting to smell right but I thought it would need longer. Now I am wondering if it is ready to use as soon as you get that sweet yeasty smell.
I am also waiting on water kefir grains that I purchased.
And away I go on my fermenting journeys! Glad I found this forum.
11 years ago