Lisa Olsen

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since Apr 10, 2013
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Recent posts by Lisa Olsen

Grant - thanks so much for answering all of our questions! I like what you suggested to Jen Schrock about thinking about what place she wants to be for selecting her future homestead site.
I, too, am sill planning my transition to a homestead someday. Everytime I think of a place, I think of places I have been, which are on both the East and West Coast. I havenever really visited the midwest, where you live. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this region of the country? I would like to be in a state or county that has a other homesteaders and responsible farmers, rather than large corporate farms - where are the hotspots for this in the Midwest?
11 years ago
I still enjoy the combined volume book I have of all of her old newsletters. She really went into detail on how her family decided what was most frugal. She even wrote about how she did this so that other people can learn the thinking process, and then figure out what works best for them.
11 years ago
I don't know about a dryer - but it makes sense it would at least be a small capacity wringer, and that alone would seriously speed up dry time.

Perhaps you could put the loaded spinner inside a modified solar oven so you could spin it after it gets up to temp to get both heat and spin?

Whatever you try, please post so I can find out how it works out.
11 years ago
Someone was telling me that there was a ban placed on labeling GMO produce as being GMO. Does anyone have any information or sources about this? Did there used tone legislation banning these labels, that has since been overturned?
11 years ago
My Dad bought me my pressure canner, and it uses the rubber seals. I borrowed one of the metal-to-metal ones from a friend before, and, oh, was it nice! No having to check gaskets, or anything! The designs are actually safer than the rubber gasket design, as well. They are easy to use, don't need replacement parts as often, and.....I wish I had one!
11 years ago
I have been wanting to read Art of Fermentation for quite a while, and now I have another book, wild fermentation to add to my to-read list! I have made my own soda, beer, wine, and sauerkraut. I am really looking forward to the new techniques in these books!
11 years ago