Crystal Brook

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since Apr 16, 2013
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I am a student midwife, biomeridian technician, doula, mother of four, and all around weird hippy like chick. I am plenty of other things too, but there are only so many characters you know. Anyway... I was really excited to find this site. I am working towards buying a piece of land. I hope to be able to start that within a year. Then off and running on some building. In the meantime I am learning and becoming skilled at smaller scale things that will be useful later on. Hi everyone
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I am looking to make friends with similar interests like most here. I hope that one of those friends will turn into a partner someday.
I am not Christian. If that is not an issue for you then I can be accepting of your belief system.
I have four awesome kids that are the best company I could ever have. One is already grown and on her own
I am a doula and a student midwife.
I live on ten acres just outside Joplin, MO, a few miles into Kansas. This may or may not be my forever spot. So moving is possible for me.
I have just barely moved in here so I don't have anything going yet. I am excited to work towards raising animals and gardening. I also want to build a natural home like cob.
I enjoy friends from all walks of life. An ideal partner for me will not be a big drinker. He will be patient and calm. He will have a great sense of humor. He will not be judgemental of others or racist in anyway.
I am pretty easy to find on Facebook if you would like to chat there, Crystal Brook Kern
That's all I can think of right now
11 years ago
It's been a long time since you posted this, but you are also not all that far from me. I am considering moving back towards central Missouri at some point. Looking forward to meeting new like minded friends and hoping one might be a great partner someday. I am easy to find on Facebook if you want, Crystal Brook Kern.
11 years ago
Not sure where you are in the Ozarks but I am just outside Joplin, MO a few miles into Kansas. Looking forward to meeting new like minded friends and hoping one might be a great partner someday. I am easy to find on Facebook if you want, Crystal Brook Kern.
11 years ago
I am also not Christian and have some chemical sensitivities. If you would like to get to know each other I would be glad to make a new friend.
If you use Facebook I am easy to find Crystal Brook Kern.
11 years ago
You are not close to me but I am looking for friends with similar interests and hope that one of them someday turns to something more. If you use Facebook I am there, Crystal Brook Kern.
11 years ago
I would enjoy talking if you like. I am 35 and live in SE Kansas pretty close to Joplin. I am looking for friends with similar interests and hope that one of them someday turns to something more. If you use Facebook I am there, Crystal Brook Kern.
11 years ago
Your home sounds like a paradise to me. And your website is stunningly beautiful. You can find me on Facebook too.
11 years ago