Rita Jackson

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since Apr 17, 2013
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Recent posts by Rita Jackson

I use double pointed needles. I knit top down. I want to learn continental knitting to get some speed. I have never tried toe up but it looks like fun.

I buy local wool that is very nice, not too rough or too soft.
4 years ago
I am hand knitting socks. I would like to do two at a time. Does anyone know where I can learn to do two socks at a time?

Welcome Phil, I would love to visit New Zealand, I live in Canada.
4 years ago
I have been using Diatomaceous earth as a parasite control. The amount to be fed varies by size/weight but it is less than 2% of total amount fed. You should check into using it.
10 years ago
I am just planting some apple trees now (this week). What is the best spacing?
I also have animals hogs, cows and chickens. Once the trees are established is it ok to let the animals into the area?

Thank you!
10 years ago
I have a sow, hoping for piglets soon. I want to finish the piglets on apples. Have you found a limit to the amount of apples you can feed them? We grow our own oats and roll them for the chickens and our sow. She is on pasture so she is free to choose what she eats. Is it possible that the pigs will only eat what they want and so not become ill from over eating apples?

Thanks to all, a Newbie
11 years ago