Dave Friday

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since Apr 17, 2013
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Recent posts by Dave Friday

First off...the disclaimer... I have never made hard cheeses before. From the research I have done, thistle and nettle rennet give an off taste to aged cheeses. Thistle should not be used for cows milk as it always produces an off flavor. New England Cheese Making is a good resource for information and supplies. The vegetable rennet the sell is cheap and very concentrated. They have a monthly newsletter with all kinds of info and they are good at answer questions if you have any...I have no affiliation with the company. Experiment and let us know what you think.
9 years ago
Give it a day and press it down again, there may be more brine formation overnight from the salt. If you have it airlocked it shouldn't be an issue but I tend to want everything covered when I ferment veggies.
9 years ago
If it is fungus gnats, get some mosquito dunks. Crumble on up an sprinkle a bit on the soil of your plants and water it in. The fungus gnat is related to mosquitoes and the BTI kills the larvae in the soil.
9 years ago
I have 2 questions. First, I have a plant in my area that looks a lot like ground cherries. Are there dangerous look alike p plants or should this be ok to eat? I'm in southeastern PA. Secondly can anyone ID the plant in this picture.


10 years ago
I was wondering if anyone out there has starts of the purple tree collards they would be willing to share. I'd be willing to trade or cover shipping. Please let me know.

11 years ago
I'm interested in building a RMH in my garage/workshop area. I'm in an urban setting and I don't have the access to materials to make a cob mass. I have looked online but have been unable to find examples of good alternatives. Thanks for any input you may have.

11 years ago
I have made 3 batches of ginger carrots and each time I end up with alcohol and not a sour carrot. One of my attempts I used whey as a starter, once some kraut juice and once just wildfermentation. They all ended the same. Any idea how I could prevent this from happening in the future?
11 years ago
Do a web search for doms kefir. Any question you could possibly have about kefir will be answered there. Just a warning, it will take many hours of reading to get through his site.
11 years ago