Ron Barnes

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since Apr 21, 2013
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Coppicing and/or Pollarding! Right diameter of firewood, on your own property, no splitting, short transport, your choice of wood. Requires some planning, and a year by year pattern, but works and has for a few thousand years.
2 years ago
Really simple, low tech, very hot water. Coil a black rubber hose, say 100ft of 5/8 inch in a single layer(holds 0.57 gal), on the roof or other sun exposed surface. Cold water in, hot water out. for winter use cover with a plate of glass and protect the sides (do not let anthing shade the hose). the rubber hose is usually not damaged by freezing, and can be drained if this becomes a problem. frozen black rubber will thaw in just a few minutes or hours after exposure to sunlight. Do not try to put this water directly on your skin mix it with cold water. It gets very hot! If you need a larger quantity just attach more hoses together or increase the diameter of the hose ( 100ft of 1 inch hose holds 4 gallons). All black rubber hose does not crack or break like the plastic and combination material  hoses. You do not want or need reinforced rubber hose, just pure rubber.
2 years ago
I was surprised as I read through this that the hydralic ram pump was not discussed or reccomended. Here is one version of a ram pump that you can make yourself out of PVC materials and a few other pieces.

Depending on the size of the pump and the available "head" for the source water one can pump water up and away from the source for quite a long distance. No power other than moveing water is required. I use mine to assist watering a garden that is up hill from my water storage tank. The storage tank is kept full by the well pump. The input to the ram pump takes advantage of the "head" created by drawing water off of the storage tank at about the 5 foot level.  

Counting on negative gravity and a simple siphon was not enough to deliver water up to the garden. The ram pump builds the necessary pressure to lift the water to the garden. I learned  to use this when my pressure pump sprang a leak and I needed to keep the garden watered. The well pump was still working fine and filling the tank, but I did not have any pressure to deliver the needed water to the distant garden.
2 years ago
As a kid back in the 50s, on the first day of summer vacation we went to the feed store and bought a rabbit salt. Easy to carry, personal to lick, and great with a stalk of rhubarb. Refreshment at its finest and we stay out in the sun all day long.
3 years ago