I recently moved some books, clothing and boxes that had been stored at my dads house to a new location. Within a few days, I had red, itchy bites on my feet, lets, belly, and arms. I found out that he had bed bugs several months ago, and had an exterminator come out and he said there weren't any more bugs. Apparently they travel. I am now trying to figure out what to do. Orkin states that I have to remove all the clothing, bedding, everything out of the main room where I was sleeping, and take it to the dry cleaners, or laundromat and dry on high for 20 minutes. The other issue is I have a cat that has wandered the house, and have heard that the bugs can catch a ride, and be all over the house.
So, has anyone used Diatomacious Earth on bed bugs? And how did you go about it?
Thanks so much! This is a mess! I am really freakin out that these things are feeding on me at night....slept with the lights on since I heard they are nocturnal...not sure if that will deter them or not!