DavidWilliam Dunn

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since Apr 28, 2013
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Recent posts by DavidWilliam Dunn

Sorry the blue foam I was describing Dow blue board, a nice evil conglomerate. I talked to my concrete fellow, the foam is EPS so it is not going to off-gas or bleed, it's safe, but I know people of like mind in this forum might not love foam idea... I would use it to protect things in the winter
10 years ago
It's a white foam that is super strong, it does not off gas. I bought blue dow board early in one of our projects and he made me return it for the offgasing issues you describe. Almost 100 percent sure that this foam would not do that. I'll ask him for the name next time i see him. Interesting side-note Canada has figured out the chemical byproducts in things like blue board and banned them in their country...
10 years ago
Hello Permies! I live in NW montana.
My friend is a dealer for foam insulation for your bee boxes. They are pre made to whatever that correct size is and he showed me one today - really tough stuff. Anyways I in no way benefit from this but this guy has been doing concrete all his life (my greenhouse subcontractor) and he could use a break or two! If anyone would like to contact him, message me and I'll reply with his phone number 406 or email. I just thought it was really serendipitous with him showing me the block insulator and Paul's new bee video. Hope all is well with this community, i have an account but I usually just lurk. God bless!
i own goats
10 years ago
Hello Permies! I live in NW montana.
My friend is a dealer for foam insulation for your bee boxes. They are pre made to whatever that correct size is and he showed me one today - really tough stuff. Anyways I in no way benefit from this but this guy has been doing concrete all his life (my greenhouse subcontractor) and he could use a break or two! If anyone would like to contact him, message me and I'll reply with his phone number 406 or email. I just thought it was really serendipitous with him showing me the block insulator and Paul's new bee video. Hope all is well with this community, i have an account but I usually just lurk. God bless!
i own goats
10 years ago