Lidia Marchioni

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since May 06, 2013
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Recent posts by Lidia Marchioni


I'm hoping to get some ideas on commercial composting toilet recommendations.  This is for a tiny house (around 120 sq f) with one occupant.  I cannot expect the occupant to compost their "waste" using traditional humanure system with a bucket and saw dust.  Thus I'm looking at commercial toilets.  Can anyone either recommend a specific system or strongly advise against any?  Ease of operation, how frequently one needs to empty the toilet, and its size are the most important factors.  I'm considering units that use electricity as they promise to need less frequent maintenance.  Any recommendations highly appreciated.

7 years ago
For anyone installing septic, I wanted to make you aware of an alternative to perforated pipe buried in gravel: leaching chambers/tunnels.  I had to redo my septic a few years back and found this great, though not so cheap product.  It is a plastic chamber that does not require any gravel, is extremely easy to install and cuts the requirement for the length of a leach field in half or more (which was crucial in my case).  I do not recall the name of the brand I used, but it was NOT this one:  This is just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.  I paid about $40 per 3 foot section once I found a local distributor.
7 years ago
I wanted to post a reply to this thread:, but am unable to do so. The Reply and Post buttons are inactive.

Hello Miles

Thanks for responding. Edible tube is pictured in the second link you posted and the photos are titled sausage_josef.jpg and sausage_patricia.jpg. I'm still puzzled as to how the water is distributed in the tube, though.

11 years ago
Hi all

I'm gathering materials to construct an edible tube as described in Sepp Holzer's latest book, Desert or Paradise. The description is short and lacks details and I'm wondering if anyone tried building them yet. The tube I'm going to construct is going to run from the roof to the ground of a one story house, about 9 feet. I'm not certain about watering the tube... If I pour water down the 3 inch perforated pipe, that's in the middle of the tube, it will just all run to the bottom and seep through the holes down there, right? I am going to close off the pipe at the bottom, but still, I don't see how the top plants are going get any water. Is the expectation that I should pour so much water at a time that there should be "standing" water in the pipe? Does it make sense to fill the pipe with wood chips to slow down the rush of water? I'm still not sure the top plants would get enough water, while the bottom ones would simply get soaked with all that water pressure. Any ideas appreciated!

11 years ago