Ronaldo Montoya

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since May 08, 2013
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Recent posts by Ronaldo Montoya

Hi , just wondering if there is a peremnial versión of Capsicum annuum. i'm looking for a not spicy plant.


1 month ago
Hi, which peremnenial tomato si You know that can grow in The peruvian Amazon jungle?

I asked ARtificial inteligence and he gave me this reply( sometimes it make errors) :
Tomate silvestre: Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme o Solanum pimpinellifolium

2. Tomate de cerdo (también conocido como tomate de caballo): Solanum lycopersicum var. validum o Solanum sessiliflorum

3. Tamarillo: Solanum betaceum

4. Tomate de árbol (también conocido como tomate tree o tomate arbóreo): Solanum betaceum var. crassiflorum o Solanum lycopersicum var. arborescens.

1 month ago
I found this wild cucurbits plant growing in the jungle . know if i can eat The leaves of this plant?

5 months ago
Hi, some indigenous people from The Amazon jungle in Perú shown me a plant that supposedly cure caries.

D9 You know The name of this plant? Is it true that cures caries?
Do You know another plants that cure caries?



7 months ago
And verdolaga ( Portulaca oleracea) ? Don't You think it's a good option for survival garden?  
10 months ago
Hi Teresa, The one You have produces beans all The time or just specific months?

10 months ago
Hi , here are some pictures of The dried Bean compared with vigna unguiculata.

Yes , It seems it's a wild versión of vigna unguiculata.The plant is  producing pods all The time since I came here (more than 3 months) . I also thought this can maybe be a non domesticated (peremnial) version of vigna unguiculata ( frejol Castilla) but a peremnial one that produces food all all The time but a friend told me it's an anual plant .

I love this plant, always producing edible pods that taste good ( as mushrooms) , also beans can be stored and leaves are edible . Plant doesnt occupy space because it grows interwined and supported but another plant and it's nitrógen fixer.

I have some questions. If this plant is not peremnial which  is The diferente between this plant and vigna unguiculata?

Do You know any peremnial similar than this that can be planted in The Amazon jungles and produce edible beans all The time?

I have another questions. This plant is being attacked by a particular bug that likes a Lot it's leaves. It only eat The leaves of this plant. Any idea which bug is this and how to get rid of this Bugs?

10 months ago
I found this little plant that looks as a small banana tree but it's leaves are thinner and work fine as rolling paper.
11 months ago