Brian Fey

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since May 11, 2013
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Brian fey is a gringo living in the 83 acres forest in Mexico.
Off-grid, rain capture, composting toilets, food forest farming.
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Bosque Village is in the mountains near Patzcuaro. There are other ecological projects nearby.
Contact Brian Fey for more info on the area.

Water is via rain catchment.
Internet via fixed wireless.
Here is the one I made.
I would like to make a room sized one later.

5 years ago
I think I have a workable way to use urine in your gardens without wasting any water or creating smell.
It will also reduce the liquid load in your composting toilets.

There certainly is no need to mix fresh water with urine!

Read here:

5 years ago
It is quite legal in rural Mexico. That is one among many reasons I moved here.

Composting toilets: no problem.
Off the electrical grid: no problem
Collect rain water: no problem

Nobody cares what I do which is just the way I like it.

Come with me on a little tour of my place:
5 years ago
I am very concerned about forest fires here in the dry season and have fought 4 of them over the years. I need to improve my firebreaks and try come controlled burns in areas I haven't planted a lot of trees in.

This is the story of the largest, and the fertile garden which resulted...,_2017

What have been your experiences with forest fires?
It is likely that the "Composted Chicken Manure" has quite a bit of biological activity in it.

You don't really need anything to start your compost pile, but it can't hurt to toss a little of the manure in your compost pile. Since it is ready to be used, your best use of it might be to just start using it in gardens or pots. It will continue to break down.

I would suggest looking for sources of uncomposted materials; things which are waste for other people. Food waste from restaurants or markets. Yard waste.

And you couple have various worms to help compost. Often I dump wild mushrooms I like on piles to see if they like it.
My composting toilets use both composting worms and dung beetles since the chambers are quite large and there is space on the periphery that they can work.

Some other thoughts on waste:

Good luck!
5 years ago
I cannot provide any information about those properties since I have nothing to do with them.

There are quite a few large and small parcels of land near where I live near Patzcuaro. I keep a list of properties to help people who come to the area and are looking for land. Property owners sometimes ask me if I know anyone who would like to buy their land.

Here is more information regarding foreigners owning land in Mexico:
For those people who might be wondering...
It is possible for foreigners to own land in Mexico.

It is only within 50 kilometers of the coastline or 100 kilometers from the border that there are restrictions.
The current president is proposing that foreigners also be allowed to own land on the coast.

I own 83 acres in the highlands of Micoacan.