matt lebon

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since May 24, 2013
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Recent posts by matt lebon

Thanks so much Duane!

I'm in St. Louis, MO. Zone 6

I have 1 of each plant mentioned except

2 hardy kiwi . (Not sure If I'll plant both)
3 yarrow
1 comfrey (forgot to mention)
*I could take divisions numerous divisisions of ground covers like thyme and mint

Any advice on space requirements?...both between plants and overall surface area

11 years ago
I'm attempting to start my first multi-story guild. Randomly I've ended up with a group I'd like to try planting together. Roughly how big of surface area should this cover? Plant spacing advice? Any two plants in here I should avoid putting in the same polyculture? Much thanks!

Peach Tree (full size)
Hardy Kiwi
(still looking for a nitrogen fixer)

11 years ago