mike clark

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since May 25, 2013
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I would shy away from giving them poultry scraps as the can carry some nasty stuff.one of those deals where you can feed it ten times,no problem and then have something run through your herd and leave you outta pigs.
10 years ago
personely I feel they only grow on fresh on the cob corn or corn meal.i am sure they will eat corn meal with water.if you got the time try boiling some whole corn and I am sure they will love it.
10 years ago
its like buying a truck,they all work well,pick a color you fancy.if its for meat,i would get crosses,tamworth,berkshire,and large black,even old spot.most breeders have crosses from $40-100 for piglets.best of luck.
10 years ago
very true,they do eat frozen food.but I have noticed better growth from heated food.plus you gotta love a smiling pig.
10 years ago
I get lots of vegetables from local market.they freeze in the winter,so to combat this I boil them outside and cool it down and feed it out.pigs love it.the book"harris on the pig"is where I first read about this.anyone else do this?
10 years ago
hardwood ash works well,garlic I have been told works but never tried it.
10 years ago
"harris on the pig"hands down best pig book,but storeys and the like are very good to.
10 years ago
hey all,i feed my pigs a lot of veggies,some bread,and recently I have got icecream,they also have run of about an acre plus for four sows and a boar.what do you feed in your area?
10 years ago
you can bet the large piggery owners are behind this.
10 years ago