Amy Moore

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since Jun 06, 2013
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Recent posts by Amy Moore

Permie over here, permie over there, permies are everywhere:) Hi:) I am up north in O'Neill, but head to Omaha quite often (and very soon actually, as one of my sister's is due with a new babe any moment). I work on a small permaculture grass fed farm, and I am always looking for more peeps to connect with also....I transplanted from west coast almost 5 years ago. So, yes!!...we are here:) There are a lot of cool local food restaurants around Omaha that I have just been alerted to! Send over a message!
11 years ago
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! I was also able to find a couple past posts about farm income that got my lightbulb turned on!!!
11 years ago
Hi all! I work for a great person that specializes in holistic land management and permiculture. We are working on making the farm totally self sustaining. He is growing organic potatoes for sale this year on a bit larger scale in hopes of bringing in more income for the land so we can put up some hoops houses, make the strawberry's into a "pick your own" place, and a small place to process our own meat. Trying to get going is rough around here! We live in a town of 3500 people in Northeast Nebraska, mostly conventional methods are going on next door and in stores. Permiculture hasn't really taken off around here yet nor what it means for the Earth, it's resources, our bodies, our children, and the future of the planet, we are trying to get a "foot in the door" sort of. Any advice on ways to raise money or find investors for us? As we try not to step on neighbors toes out here, there has to be a way to do this!!! Thanks for reading, any info or ideas would be great.
11 years ago