Myron Weber

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since Jun 16, 2013
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Orange County, CA, USA
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Recent posts by Myron Weber

On one of the recent podcast episodes there was mention of citric acid for cleaning, but not much how-to detail. And a search here didn't bring back anything comprehensive. It will be helpful for me (since I have some on hand for kitchen use), and hopefully others if we can capture some info here about the use of citric acid for cleaning.

1. What are the best uses for citric acid, especially
 a. As a replacement for toxic cleaner
 b. As compared to other safe cleaners
2. Usages in solution?
 a. What concentration?
3. Usages directly in crystal/powder form?
4. What have you tried it for that didn't work?
5. Did it ever ruin/damage anything you tried it on?
4 years ago
I'm not very sophisticated, so I only think of 3 varieties of potatoes. Whether I'm buying them or growing them, I never get more complicated than this:

1. Russet: baking, french fries and hash browns, also okay for mashing, soup/stew, or fried
2. Red: boiled, smashed (rustic mash with skins on), fried
3. Gold: mashed, roasted, stew, can also be baked, can be a substitute for russet, but not as good for baking or fries
4 years ago
Not recommending this - just reporting:
When I was a kid I used to help my dad butcher sheep - I'm no expert, but he had been doing it all his life. His method was to tie it securely at the head so it couldn't move, and then hit it with the flat backside of an ax. He hit it hard on the skull right where it joined to the neck. He was a strong guy and could swing accurately, and had the confidence to do it without hesitating - otherwise could have been a bad scene. Every sheep dropped in place with barely a twitch, then he cut the artery to bleed it out.
4 years ago
I have 6 total parcels (5 adjoining for 8.14 acres, plus 1.15 acre standalone) in Petrified Forest Estates in Apache County AZ. I'll sell together, or break up & sell separately. I'm asking $900/acre for any amount from 1.15 up to 9 acres. I am willing to do seller financing, so if cash is a problem for you, just let me know what you can afford monthly and we'll work something out.

This land is right next to the Petrified Forest National Park - you can literally see it from the property. Land use is pretty unrestricted: suitable for building. Camping or RV permitted for short term use. Agriculture/livestock permitted. There are confirmed wells on other parcels in the area. All parcels meet the 1-acre minimum for septic installation. It's near-grid -- electric power at the road a few hundred feet away. That's a dirt road that gets you access almost all the way to the property, then an unimproved easement gets you the last few hundred feet. (It's a real county-recorded easement, so you will never be landlocked.),-109.8330842,976m/data=!3m1!1e3

If you want to look up the parcels on the assessors map ( here are the parcel numbers.
211-34-272, 211-34-324, 211-34-325, 211-34-326, 211-34-327, 211-34-328

Judith Browning wrote:Do you know the optimum temperature for keeping a ferment?

Judith -
If by "optimum" you mean promoting the beneficial lactobacillus that do well in cooler temps but suppressing the harmful bacteria that like warmer temps, then I researched this many years back. Couldn't tell you all my sources, but there was pretty good consistency in what I found from popular and academic sources. And my personal experience confirms the research, if that counts for anything.
Low 60s Fahrenheit or around 15-17 Celsius is what I took away as the ideal target for that purpose. Below that, the lactofermentation slows down a lot, and above it the growth of potentially harmful bacteria begins. Another factor, though, is consistency. It's better to have a consistent temperature even if it is slightly higher than the ideal than to have temperature that fluctuates. Temperatures up to the low 70s F are less ideal but the danger zone for the harmful anaerobic bacteria really starts in the mid-to-high 70s.
I used to have a modified mini-fridge with an add-on temperature sensor that kept the temperature at exactly 62 degrees. The ferments were great, but the sealed, cool, moist environment promoted mold growth so I had to clean it a lot. When the fridge broke, I didn't bother trying to replace it.
Now I usually ferment at around 70 F on a shelf in the kitchen and then stick it in the fridge.

If others have different facts/opinions/experiences, I'd love to compare.
10 years ago
When my son (8th grade) was choosing his science fair project this year, I suggested he do an experiment on the effect of mulch on water retention in soil. His teacher accepted the proposal. We have the experiment design pretty well in hand, but he also has to write a research paper on the topic. I have a lot of gardening books, including conventional, organic, permaculture, biodynamic, and probably a few other approaches. Most of them assert that mulch reduces irrigation requirements, a few discuss the mechanisms, but none that I can find refer to any research on the topic.
If anyone has sources we can look at on this topic, please send them my way. This can include any experimental data, academic research, or expert advice, but more specific than generic recommendations.
Help is much appreciated.
10 years ago
Kayleigh - I'm in Orange County, and I'm very familiar with the challenges of land and water in SoCal. Also I have run a business (was a partner in a technology company for 10 years until we sold in 2007 and currently I run a very small technology/consulting business). Here are some thoughts (one man's opinion).

I suggest you do some market research first. Markets apply to both the supply and the demand side of business, and in this case you are most interested in the supply market for tillable land. Find a bunch of typical lots that represent what's available around you - not assuming it's available or what you would use, just a sampling of candidates kinda like what you would want. Then talk to the owners. You aren't selling them, you are doing research. Tell them briefly what you are researching, explain to them your experience/qualifications, and ask them to help you decide whether it's a good idea or not. Give them plenty of room to answer free-form, then pepper them with questions.

This provides 2 good tests. The first is a test of you: it's one thing to come on permies and ask for help, but it's another thing to go to people in the real world with your idea. I expect you will pass this test fine, but it's still an important test.
The second test is your business concept. You might get a clear yes or no, but most likely it will be somewhere in the middle. But you will still have some info (and possibly some candidate properties) that you didn't have before. Then you come back here with more clearly defined questions, and we help you answer those.

Best of luck. If any of this resonates & you have more questions for me, feel free to reach out to me by "purple moosage."
10 years ago

Julia Winter wrote:I listened to an interview with an author who has studied those who beat cancer with alternative methods:

Note: the link above will only work for a couple of months, if anyone has skillz for saving streaming audio, please use them and share with us!

Julia - no need to capture the stream. Just download the mp3 here:
10 years ago
Go Sheri! Thanks for posting, and I'd love more details. I'll be getting started on my pond within the next couple weeks if all goes well, so I'd love to learn from your experience.
10 years ago