Jane Ferguson

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since Jun 21, 2013
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Hello Jen, great that you are thinking of our young generation. Im definitely interested in helping. I, too worked as teacher overseas
I was teaching high school students, permaculture in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Just returned from working in the jungles ofBorneo and Malaysia
Yes, it's a great idea to reach out to our future leaders. I have studied with the greatest teachers in a permaculture and I'd love to get together
with you to do our part in helping the very young. Jane. janef2001@yahoo.com

10 years ago
Zach, Im wanting to create a crater garden using my stagnant pond 27'x10' by 3' deep to create a micro climate to grow lots of fruits and vegetables.
Can I do this without making the pond deeper? Most of my pond is in shade ( shaded by tall evergreens) is this a problem? I can cut down a few firs and hemlocks if this is necessary. My property is very much like Sepp's property, hilly and rugged but similar in climatic conditions. If Sepp can grow lemons, I want to do that too! Do you think I can use my pond and a few raised beds to achieve my dream of growing tropical fruits, trees and berries?
I need to learn lots from Sepp Holzer and from you. Jane
10 years ago
I met Sepp Holzer in Gimli, Manitoba, Canada. It was a delight meeting and learning from this great, kind farmer.
I am hoping Sepp Holzer and his team of expert premies will return to Canada to my unorganized farm to create
A Dream Come True Paradise for me.

I love to visit Sepp's two farms in Austria this year. I need to learn much more about bone sauce, raised beds,
crater gardens, micro gardens. I long to plant lots more tropical fruits and berries in my beautiful Bowen Island
Food forest. It will be a dream come true for me to see Sepp's farms and to learn more from this great farmer who
works with Nature. I want to be a farmer just like Sepp!
10 years ago
Hello Zach I love to visit Sepp Holzer's farms in Austria. I love to see his marvellous work with Nature.
He is a wonderful inspiration to all Permaculture farmers, especially for ones just starting out, like me.
10 years ago
Hi Michael, I live in British Columbia and Im renovating an old small cabin in the woods.
I'd love to read your book on compact living in a small cabin. Where do I start? Nothing
here now is eco friendly. Thanks. Jane
11 years ago
Hello Erica and Ernie, I have a rustic cabin in the woods, can I use a rocket heater indoors safely?
It can get cold here in BC Canada. Looking forward to reading your book. Jane
11 years ago
Hello, Mary, I'm in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I just did the PDC at the Food Forest in Adelaide, S. Australia. Met David Holmgren, at last!
I'm making a Stand Up Garden for a Handicap youngster, 7 years old. He has very soft brittle bones, he uses both legs braces
Do you have any suggestions to help me? I look forward to reading your wonderful book. I volunteer at a Seniors' home, too.
Congratulations for publishing your book. Lots of us need help creating Stand Up Gardens. Thanks. good to know there are great
caring premie/ writers like you helping us. Jane
11 years ago