Tim Evers

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since Jul 29, 2013
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Thank you Bill and Rob for your response to my inquiry. Looking over the material presented by aggrebind creates some hesitant excitement at the prospect of low energy stabilized adobe. Portland cement production is energy intensive to the extreme and while it is a natural material it, like lime can cause serious injuries on the job. I have read about enzyme based stabilizer like Terazime and understand that ceb are still prone to "bloom" when wet and demonstrate very little improvement in compressive and tinsel strength. How does aggrebind measure up to enzyme based stabilizer? Can it be used in adobe style production as well as ceb? If this product lives up to its claims the potential for its use, in the first world as well as the third, is tremendous. I am looking forward to learning more about its uses and testing it out. Where can I buy it in small quantities?
9 years ago
Has anyone used aggrebind stabilizer for adobe, cob, or earthen plaster? Is it a petrochemical? Any chemists out there who know how its made and what its made of?
9 years ago
Hey Amos! How are things out west of Kearney? I live in Kearney. I'm natural building enthusiast and fledgling permacultuerist. Are you putting up any buildings at your place? from what I can tell, we have great clay around here! I can always source salvage lumber and can get great straw so if you need to build stuff give me a holler!
10 years ago
Did you build? I live in Nebraska and would like to pitch in effort for the hands on experience. I've been doing some plaster tests on a 6' x 6' wall in my yard and we appear to have excellent clay around Kearney. Hope Summer is treating you well.
10 years ago
How about the enzyme brew for clay plasters or floors? I see a company called Fernco sells terazyme along side CEB presses. Have you heard of anybody using these products for any thing other than road construction?
10 years ago
Do you use c.e.b.? Why do you think we don't see commercial ceb contractors in middle america?
10 years ago
So terazyme or permazyme added to earthen plaster? Adobe bricks?
10 years ago
Used a skill saw with an abrasive blade. Wear eye protection! Works slick.
11 years ago
Check out limecrete demonstrations in UK. Interchangeable with expanded clay in permeable floor systems if I understand correctly.
11 years ago
Hey Dave. Nebraska style! Skip the lumber in the walls and bear the roof load with the bales. Carports are cool but they shelter cars nicely.
11 years ago