Ryan Glathar

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since Jul 30, 2013
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Recent posts by Ryan Glathar

Look forward to hearing more, as I have only scratched the surface of what I need to know.

11 years ago
Trust me on this one, if you are thinking about raising a single calf/cow for personal beef, spend the money and get two, to keep each other company, sell the second calf to othersin your area as home-grown beef. this will easily pay for your calf and probably have some left over for next years model.
11 years ago
I have already learned much on this website and having input such as yours only adds to the benefit.
I grew up on a ranch in Nebraska, but walked away for a career and find myself heading back to the old days. I have 23 acres and have steadily grown my"herd" over the last 4 years trying raise quality natural beef for friends and family. Looking forward to learning more from you on topic. Gents like Judy and Salatin have really opened my eyes with respect to the way I grew up. After a long career in the military, my roots are calling me back, but with a reformed way of thinking. Much to my father's dismay, discarding the continuous grazing is the right choice, breeding for pest and heat tolerance, and letting my land be the guide and not trying to force its hand by drastically changing species or using the "just add chemicals" mentality. My question for you is this; Where does the density of animals per paddock stop? Continuous to Rotational to MIG to Mob to Ultra high density. Where do you stand and what were the sizes of paddocks , cattle density, and days on each paddock for someone like Greg Judy? Starting off, I was thinking of 17 acres ofdecent grass divided into 9 paddocks and rotate 25 calves for three days at a time from the months of April to the end of July. Your thoughts? Or anyone for that matter. I know you do not have all the details, but I am looking for a ballpark starting point for my starter farm and then plan on expanding to rented ground.

11 years ago