Nancy Calzone

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since Aug 03, 2013
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Tereza Okava wrote:the Peugeot one is supposed to be a buy-it-for-life (I just read a Wirecutter profile about it, if it's not open access let me know and I'll send you the link that will get you behind the paywall), but considering the quality of Peugeot cars have paid for my home and my daughter's college i'm not sure i'd buy one....

let us know how you do. i've bought so many, including one stainless one that had no plastic, ceramic grinder inside, was supposed to be super highly rated (it was boxy, that's all i can remember) and it was the biggest piece of crap ever, broke almost immediately, I lost my patience with this stuff. I'm currently using one i picked up at the supermarket (which looks a lot like the Ikea one Douglas posted, glass jar).

My hubby and I got tired of looking for a pepper mill that consistantly worked. We had used the Ikea one posted earlier for many years. But once it failed all the replacements failed even faster and with my arthritis it was difficult to turn. So we decided to look for a buy- it-for life one and we found it with Peugeot. It is listed as a coffee grinder  and looks like the old fashioned grinders of old. But it grinds so smoothly and he can grind enough in a couple of minutes to fill our shaker. This is a hand turned grinder. We have an electric coffee grinder but now if all else fails we can use this grinder for both. I think it will outlast the both of us.
1 year ago

Hi Cassie,

I'm new here but I just downloaded the heater manual with no problems. Thank you very much!!

Nancy ;D